8 mesecev Azije. 6 drzav. V sirino, visino in globino. Kulture, okolja, delovanja, politike, druzbe, posameznika, narave in mest. Predvsem pa vase. In ob zivljenju prostovoljke v misijonih za sest mesecev v kamboska dekleta. Temu recem Ljubezen.

After first month here

... I wrote this short article. 
Broken English, interesting reading (for me). 
V teh vrsticah berem ''smartass'' zacetek. Danes bi zapisala drugace: vsekakor je bilo za dolocena globlja spoznanja potrebnih vec kot 45 dni. In se zdaj, po skoraj petih mesecih, vem zelo malo!


‘’Good morning, teacher!”, “Teacher always happy!” are the sentences which I hear every day, so I would say, that in the way, those sentences reflect how I feel with my volunteering in Cambodia and what I am doing here, on the other side of the world.

It is nearly a month and a half since I live in Phnom Penh v Don Bosco school for girls. It seems both: nothing and eternity. Nothing because I cannot believe that I need to leave in few months already, and eternity, because sometimes it feels like this is the only life I ever new. And I enjoy every single moment of the experience.

Salesian sisters in Cambodia did a great work to come closer to the girls from different provinces and villages. Gathering them here in our campus and studying is there first big step for our girls towards life they deserve to live and enjoy. Different stories, small conversations, teaching and observing build up puzzles for me to understand their life, way of thinking, traumatic experiences. With living Phnom Penh and not just visiting it as a tourist, I am starting to see a broader image of history and present of Cambodia and Cambodian people.

My main mission here should be teaching English. In my heart I already expanded that mission. I believe that every single second of my staying here is sharing (not just few hours in the classroom). Life here truly reflects the mission of Don Bosco himself: to be with (as a father, as a teacher, as a friend and as a spiritual assistant). And I try my best to live it that way.

Our campus welcomes around 1000 young people every day, mostly girls. Around 100 girls are boarders and those are the girls with whom I spend most of my time. We play, sing, learn, talk, investigate each other cultures, do sports, dance.

I like so many things and moments here, that it is hard to describe it in few sentences: learning coconut dance, realizing so many things about their lives and perspectives, trying to study Khmer, success in the classroom, simple smile on the hallway, cooking Slovenian food, tripping to the local market with our girls, talking about history of Cambodia, trying new things, meditation, home visits to the girls in their simple homes in villages …

I know there are moments, when my family, friends, coworkers and challenges in Slovenia need me. I know that there are many things that I am missing. And I do think about those people and opportunities. I miss my job in non-governmental sector in Slovenia and challenges regarding social economy and social entrepreneurship I was dealing with, I miss my friends who made my life for the past seven years so different, that I dared to make this step.

But here are some hands, which need me more right now.
I truly believe and understand that this is one of the decisions and consequently months, which will help me grow. And during this moment, Someone will, hopefully, plant seeds for better tomorrow.

New culture, new cuisine, new energy,
stronger sun, stronger faith and stronger me.

Volunteering is, I believe, sharing and exchange. We all learn and grow every day.